Escudo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Escudo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia


Panel de Accesibilidad

Sustainable Public Purchasing is one of the strategies proposed by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development to contribute to achieving the SDGs and to comply with the Policy of Sustainable Production and Consumption set by the National Government. The inclusion of sustainability criteria in the acquisition of goods and services for Universidad Nacional de Colombia is a premise focused on the development of Sustainable Campuses and the promotion of sustainable consumption practices.

How to make a sustainable purchase at UNAL?

To make the acquisition of sustainable goods or services at UNAL, please follow this procedure:

  1. Identify which good or service you want to hire and what you want to include.
  2. Click on Environmental sustainability criteria forms (Fichas de criterios de sostenibilidad ambiental in Spanish) and look for the good or service you are going to hire. If you are going to include more goods or services in the contract, also look for the respective forms.
  3. Download the form(s) and include the criteria as specific obligations in the contractual request.
  4. The contracting office will verify that the provider meets the requirements.
  5. Once the contract comes into force, monitor the provider’s compliance with sustainability criteria during the execution of the contract.

Reports and documents

1. Compras Púbicas Sostenibles

Inclusión de criterios ambientales en el ciclo de vida de Bienes y Servicios (B&S)