Escudo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Escudo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia


Panel de Accesibilidad


The objective of audits in the Environmental Management System is to identify the opportunity to analyze the strengths that have marked the progress of the system, especially by promoting environmental culture within the community members and by showing any weak aspect or aspect that could be improved. This aims to reach auditors’ conclusions on solidity and positive change of our management, within an environment of learning and feedback to verify that the system has been implemented and maintained correctly in compliance with the requirements established in NTC ISO 14001 and those defined by other environmental management models. However, self-evaluation exercises are also carried out to maintain the stated objective of analyzing the state of the EMS and to propose actions for its improvement and strengthening.

The following are some useful instruments when undertaking an audit or carrying out a self-evaluation exercise by the Environmental Management System.

Tips for audit

Prepared documents

  1. Environmental context of the unit or faculty.
  2. Significant applicable environmental aspects.
  3. Knowledge of legal requirements.
  4. Documentary inventory: procedures, protocols, and forms applicable to the process.
  5. Emergency plans: standard operating procedures, emergency drills, accident reporting.
  6. Documents of last visits and results with regulatory bodies (if applicable).
  7. Reports on improvement opportunities and corrective actions.

Frequent questions

  • What activities do you do?
  • What are the areas covered by your unit and how does it work?
  • Do you know the Environmental Policy of the university?
  • How does your unit contribute to the Environmental Management System?
  • What environmental documentation do you handle in your unit?
  • How do you dispose of waste in your unit?
  • Do you have a temporary storage point for this waste?
  • Do you have a list of teams and résumés of that equipment? (Laboratories)
  • Have you had visits from regulatory bodies?
  • What environmental improvements have been implemented?
  • Are renovations being carried out on your unit?
  • Have you participated in emergency drills?
  • Have you had accidents and are there reports of those accidents?