Networks and Partnerships
The activities carried out by the University regarding environmental issues and the results of the EMS can provide the society and interested institutions with mechanisms for promoting respect for the environment and alternatives to better address related aspects and impacts. The developments, progress, perspectives, and recommendations of other entities help the EMS strengthen its vision and concept by adopting, adapting, and evolving the aforementioned mechanisms for environmental management.
The confluence of internal and external work fronts is enriched by the interaction that encourages participation in networks and partnerships; these spaces reaffirm the ideas that “unity makes strength” and that commitment is an important part of the response to climate change and sustainability. In this regard, the EMS currently participates in the G8 networks: University Network for the Challenges of Society, SUMA Ambiental, Network of Universities for Innovation of Valle del Cauca (RUPIV for its acronym in Spanish), and Environmental Network of Sustainable Universities (RAUS for its acronym in Spanish).